What does it take to nurture resilience and unlock your unlimited potential? In this episode of the Find Your Leadership Confidence Podcast, host Vicki Noethling sits down with Michael Ostrolenk, a thought leader in transformational leadership, optimizing health, and regenerative living. Michael shares insights from a lifelong journey that began at just nine years old, delving into biofeedback, meditation, and guided imagery. With expertise spanning Transpersonal Counseling Psychology, somatic practices, and body-mind medicine, he reveals the three pillars of well-being essential for unlocking possibilities. From practical steps to achieve wellness, wisdom, and wealth to embracing resilience in the face of challenges, this episode is packed with actionable advice.

Keywords: human resilience, transformational leadership, optimizing health, unlocking potential, well-being, personal growth.

Check out Michael’s website to learn more.


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